
Helping Therapists Manage Workshops with Confidence: A Tailored Guidance System

TogetherWell’s workshop management platform introduced an enhanced end-to-end system and new workshop model designed to meet platform goals. To reduce the learning curve and ensure user success, I designed the guidance system for workshop management, which features the Workshop Models Overview and Workshop Management Walkthrough. These solutions simplify concepts and provide step-by-step guidance, helping therapists manage workshops with confidence.


5 weeks (Jun - Jul 2024)

My Role

Product Designer


Founder, UX Designer (peer feedback), Graphic Designer, Content Writers


Figma, FigJam, Slack, Freedcamp

My Tasks

User Interview, Concept Strategy, Cross-Functional Leadership, UX Writing, Graphic Design, Usability Testing, Hi-fi Prototype


Testing Results

Improved task completion, understanding, and satisfaction

  • 73% testing users reported higher task completion rate with the Workshop Management Walkthrough.

  • 85% testing users reported better understanding of workshop models and request types after viewing the Workshop Models Overview. 

  • 90% testing users reported higher satisfaction with the guidance system, with reduced confusion in managing workshop requests.

Current Platform Challenges

1. Understand and navigate enhanced workshop management workflow

The enhanced system allows therapists and requesters to customize workshops on-platform, but without guidance, therapists may struggle to navigate the workflow as intended. The challenge is to simplify learning and ensure proper use without adding complexity.

2.  Customizable vs. Prepared: understand and adopt new workshop model

The platform added Customizable Templated Workshops alongside existing Prepared Workshops to broaden topic coverage, but lacked guidance for effective adoption. The challenge is to clarify the concepts and required actions without overwhelming users.


How might we help therapists understand and adopt the new workshop management system and innovative workshop model, ensuring they can manage workshops confidently?


User Interview Insights

Pain points: unclear request types, missed steps, workshop models confusion

Initially, I interviewed 8 users to understand current workshop management experiences. While redesigning the system, I tested the new workflow with 6 users to identify areas needing guidance for easier adoption.

Phase 1

Ensuring informative and easy-to-follow guidance for effective workshop management

Problem 1

How to help therapists adopt the new workshop management system and follow the correct workflow steps to ensure success?

Approach 1: fixed linear workflow - ensuring users follow ideal path each time

  • Fixed flow: 1. communicate with requester —> 2. Update requirements form —> 3. Accept request

  • “Accept Request” button is only accessible after completing all required steps to avoid skipping steps

Why Rejected - Inflexibility and added complexity

  • Inflexible: Real-life scenarios often needs multiple updates, the linear process forces users to restart and go back and forth, causing extra user efforts.

  • Complexity: The long process with a minimum of 7 clicks would lower efficiency and user motivation.

Approach 2: product tour for first-time users - detailed explanations before workflow

Only guide first-time users with more detailed explanations, avoiding the repetitive complexity of fixed flow.

Why Rejected - Complexity and high development effort

  • Complexity: The detailed tour feels long and overcomplicates the workflow, leading users to skip it.

  • More Building Effort: Requires more detailed scripts and development efforts to implement effectively.

Design Decision 1

Design a Workshop Management Walkthrough

Final Approach: quick introductory walkthrough - key instructions before workflow

Offers essential guidance and flexible navigation for managing requests

  • Balanced Info: Helps users understand the correct steps to manage requests while keeping it simple.

  • Flexible: Appears initially, then transitions into simplified request page, allowing free navigation for tasks like checking info, messaging, or updating requirements as needed.

Problem 2

How to help therapists identify the workshop models and request types they receive, and respond accordingly?

Walkthrough Script Writing Strategy

Collaboration with Content Writers - for each workshop model & request type

Design Decision 2

Tailor walkthrough scripts for each workshop model and request type. Explain their unique meanings and required actions.

Goal: Encourage therapists to respond promptly and appropriately.

I created the script strategy and worked closely with content writers to ensure walkthrough messaging met requirements and user needs.

Problem 3

How to visually convey each step of the workflow and guide users on how to act?

Design Decision 3

Use annotated screenshots to highlight key Interactions on interface

Approach 1: video tutorial

Uses videos for each step to guide users through the workflow with voiceover to add clarity.

Concerns - slow and disruptive

  • Need to hit “play” to start, might disrupt flow.

  • Include adds, adding unnecessary steps

  • can be time-consuming for a quick walkthrough

Approach 2: GIF screen recording

GIF screen recording offers a quick visual demonstration without overcomplicating the process

Concern - key actions might be overlooked

  • Without voiceover, key actions might not stand out within entire process, making it harder for users to notice and memorize them.

Final Version - Annotated Screenshots for Key Actions

Highlights the most critical actions users need to keep in mind.

Straightforward and quick to process, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Collapsible Progress bar - adding steps explanations while saving space

Option to revisit walkthrough

Phase 2

Ensuring clear understanding of workshop models and request types

Problem 1

How to help therapists easily understand and differentiate concepts of workshop models and request types

3 possible scenarios users might encounter

Design Decision 1

Design a centralized overview to clarify and compare the concepts

Initial Concepts - 3 Scenarios

Side-by-side comparison of the 3 scenarios, explaning:

  • Workshop models (Customizable or Prepared)

  • Request types (Open or Individual)

  • Required user actions

Initial Overview Design - more detailed explanations of 3 scenarios

Graphics & screenshots simplify concepts

  • Uses detailed explanations paired with screenshots & graphics to visually represent concepts

  • Making concepts more intuitive for users to process.

Tested initial version - found users confused by open request concept

Testing users struggled to process the concept “For open requests, only 1 therapist can be selected to host the workshop” with current graphics.

Final version - improved graphics to explain concepts

I collaborated with a graphic designer to refine graphics, making concepts easier to understand.

Design Decision 2

Tested initial concepts - found users confused by 3 scenarios

Solution 1: Combine Scenarios A & B

44% testing user without experience on therapy session platforms prefer combining the 2 scenarios for easier understanding.

Simplifies concepts but sacrifices transparency, risking future user satisfaction

  • Users lose transparency about whether a request is sent to group or individual.

  • Lead to long-term frustration when users notice differences, such as expecting too much from an open request but not being selected

Solution 2:  Be transparent & keep 3 scenarios separate

56% testing user with experience on similar platforms prefer maintaining transparency.

Transparency helps users respond appropriately, but may overwhelm new users

  • Open requests: respond quickly to secure the opportunity

  • Individual requests: feel empowered to negotiate and invest more efforts

  • Con: overwhelm new users and lower adoption rates

Final Decision:  refine concepts & representation

Separate workshop models (Prepared vs. Customizable) and request types (Open vs. Individual) for clarity

  • Customizable workshop model: can be sent as open or individual request

  • Prepared workshop model: can only be sent as individual request (assigned to the creator)

Pro: Maintains transparency while making concepts digestible, and easy to process.

Problem 2

How to simplify 3 scenarios concepts to make them clearer & reduce learning curve?

Refine the concepts and redesign how they are presented to users.

Complex concepts impacted user adoption

  • 68% testing users found the 3 scenarios concepts not intuitive, reducing their willingness to learn and use the platform.


Overcoming Challenges throughout the Project

Designing clear guidance with a beginner’s mindset

The challenge was stepping out of my familiarity with the system to design for users with no prior experience. Creating clear and digestible guidance was essential. It needs to meet platform requirements, help users understand system, and avoid overwhelming them. I achieved this balance through testing and iteration.

Leading cross-functional efforts to align strategy, content, and design

Taking the lead on project required me to go beyond UX design to shape product and concept strategy, guide cross-functional collaboration, and make key decisions on content writing and graphic design. By focusing on team communication and alignment, I ensured every detail served platform’s goals and user needs.